A short movie release! Did this really happen?! goes online during the sharing EGU2020 virtual conference

Although there won’t be any physical attendance at the EGU conference this year, Did this really happen?! is going digital and has taken the opportunity to share science online to make a short movie and present our project during the session:

EOS 6.1: Promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the geosciences

So don’t hesitate to chat with us on Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm45 CET. Let’s raise awareness on equality and diversity in science!

You can also directly access our short movie here.

DidThisReallyHappen?! team at the EGU 2019 in Vienna

For the fourth time in a row, we successfully presented the project DidThisReallyHappen?! at the 2019 European Geophysical Union’s (EGU) spring meeting in Vienna.

Martina Ulvrova gave an invited presentation within the “Diversity and Equality in the Geosciences” session convened by Claudia Alves de Jesus Rydin. For this special occasion, we distributed a booklet with some of the comics during the session. We had the opportunity to have vivid discussions on sexism in academia, work-life balance, awareness on gender imbalance and many other gender-related issues. We were happy and grateful to see that people (male and female researchers) were often curiously passing by, coming to us to talk and share their experiences. Many of them acknowledged the excellent work of Alice Adenis whose by-hand-drawn cartoons make this project unique.

Marie Bocher also animated a short course on gender unconscious bias with Daniel Conley during the meeting. During the course, Marie presented the often subtle situations in the work environment where one can encounter unconscious bias related to gender. How can you recognise such situations? How can you prevent them? Questions such as these were addressed by the audience during small group discussions following her presentation. The room was full and interesting exchanges flourished during the course. Let’s raise awareness on this very important topic!

Thanks to all of you who reached out to us. Your feedback is key to continue this effort!
