A short movie release! Did this really happen?! goes online during the sharing EGU2020 virtual conference

Although there won’t be any physical attendance at the EGU conference this year, Did this really happen?! is going digital and has taken the opportunity to share science online to make a short movie and present our project during the session:

EOS 6.1: Promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the geosciences

So don’t hesitate to chat with us on Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm45 CET. Let’s raise awareness on equality and diversity in science!

You can also directly access our short movie here.

Manuscript published in Advances in Geosciences!

We are excited to announce that the Did this really happen?! (DTRH) project flourished into a peer-reviewed manuscript! Drawing everyday sexism in academia: observations and analysis of a community-based initiative by Bocher et al. has been published in the Special Issue: Diversity and equality in the geosciences in Advances in Geosciences.

We took all the testimonies that we collected so far and classified them into six distinct categories. The core of the paper presents an analysis of these categories, and explain our strategies for interacting with diverse scientific communities.

The article is open access, so feel free to download and share it. Enjoy reading it and let us know your comments!

You’ll also find in the Supplementary Material a booklet containing some of the comics already published as well as some posters that you can print and display on the coffee table of your lab, to discuss them with your colleagues  🙂